Federico Bonelli

Federico Bonelli si occupa di ricerca creativa, un termine che non ammette limiti. Il suo nickname in rete e' "fredd" dal 1990. Il suo retroterra culturale e' la filosofia. Ha studiato scienza, storia della matematica e arte. Ama coltivare abilita' pratiche accanto ai suoi interessi principali e si e' fatto le ossa su molti campi differenti della creazione e della ricerca sui media digitali. Il suo interesse al "multimedia" puo' essere posticipato al 1982, la prima volta che mise le mani su un computer, un TRS80. Non si considera un hacker, piu' un lamer curioso.Si occupa di creare e coordinare produzioni multimediali dal 1995. Ha esperienza di drammaturgia, direzione, interactive media design. Ha lavorato nelle produzioni piu' disparate, dal no-budget filmaking all'opera.Si trasferisce in olanda nel 2002. Nel 2005 parte un progetto di ricerca congiunto con Philips Research su un'idea relativa alla pittura digitale generativa e alla ricerca su strategie generative di creazione di contenuti digitali. Il provgetto chiamato "protoquadro" puo' essere trovato online qui: The project was called "protoquadro" and a presentation is to be found here: www.philips.com/protoquadro.Federico ama collaborare con altri artisti. E' stato iniziatore e promotore tra le altre cose di un concetto per micro-festival di cinema spettacolo (www.vimeo.com/cinemasolubile) e di radio oltranzista (www.radioltranzista.net) un festival nel festival che installava una radio FM/streaming dentro un festival esistente come mezzo per spararne i contenuti nel cielo.Alcuni ultimi progetti/last involvements:


  • Producer and software design: "Isle of the dead", Symphonic Cinema, Certo (Amsterdam 2010-2012),/li>
  • Dramaturgy and concept: Supernova (for G. Maiorino, Dance Performance, Amsterdam 2011)
  • Creative direction and concept: Sotto la radice (Dance Performance, Amsterdam 2011)
  • Creative direction and concept: Le Furie (Dance Performance, New York 2010)
  • 2010/11 Creative collaboration with Certo production on the symphonic film concept.
  • Dramaturg for dance productions: Suncycle 2006, Alla fine l'inizio 2007, "M" 2008
  • Some projects of video and Projection Design:
    • Shaduwschinen (Amsterdam 2011)
    • Carmen (Stadium version 2005)

Web references:

Federico Bonelli‘s main expertise is “creative research”, a term without boundaries. He is also known on the net as “fredd” since 1990.

He has a theoretical background as philosopher: studied science, history of mathematics and art. He likes to cultivate practical skills along with his major interests and have experiences in different fields of media research and creation. It’s involvement with multimedia dates back to his interest with “hacking” since 1982.

Has been busy with building and management of creative teams in new media productions since 1995. Has experience in dramaturgy, media design, installation design, and have worked in many different type of production, from no-budget filmaking to Opera.

Federico in Argimusco, maybe reflecting, maybe just looking around (Photo by Guido Gaudioso)
Federico in Argimusco, maybe reflecting, maybe just looking around
(Photo by Gabriele Zaverio)

Federico moves to Holland in 2002. His main professional archivement so far was to set a joint development project with Philips Research in 2005 on the idea of generative paintings and generative content creating strategies.
The project was called “protoquadro” and a presentation is to be found here: www.philips.com/protoquadro.

Has crew experience in film making, either on digital (RED) and on 35mm film.

Federico likes to collaborate with artists. He has been the initiator and artistic director of mini-festival concepts called cinema solubile (www.vimeo.com/cinemasolubile) and radio oltranzista (www.radioltranzista.net) a portable radio concept, that embedded into an existing festival was designed to shoot it’s contents in the sky.