Artistic transformations for healing traumatic events shared by inhabitants of a territory We all have scars. They often remain voiceless and without recognition. The #scarkisses
A photographic collaboration reflecting the visual link between Cosio and its mythical lost twin village, Socio Rik: For me, Jamie’s idea of the underground twin
An interactive sculpture made from scrap metal that invites a playful dialogue on our relationship with nature Chatter. Birds. Rondoni. Swifts. Marien. Zanetti. Homage. Something
Conversations interrogating our role as artists in a post-Situationist landscape on an overpopulated planet
Aspirations, ambitions and anecdotes of Cosio transformed into sculptures radiating with life and light I arrived in Cosio without knowing a single one of the
The story of Socio, Cosio’s lost twin village: a metaphor for reconnecting in a fractured world Cosio has a lost, underground twin village called Socio.
A cultural exchange of the tastebuds: fresh vegetables the Indonesian way The Trasformatorio turned out to be not just a cultural but also a culinary
A sinfonietta inspired by the colours of Cosio, co-created by the locals and adding new sounds to the village’s eternal now I arrived in Cosio
A situation for introspection There is a space just outside the village, a little below the large church and right above where the dead live,
A gallery of daily life and moments lost and found Cosio is small, but because of its many small streets it’s easy to get lost