Lost in Cosio

A gallery of daily life and moments lost and found
Cosio is small, but because of its many small streets it’s easy to get lost temporarily, until suddenly you’re back again at a place you recognize, with people around.
Sometimes there’s an open door and you can walk inside a house going back in time, seeing old furniture, books and clothes left there long ago. With signs of others having visited before and who maybe played there.
At the same time the edges of the town invite one to walk further out, into the fields or to the no-longer active hotel with its link to the Situationist International movement.
I spent a week in Cosio, walking its streets many times, every time discovering something new or different. I was also inspired by the beauty of Cosio d’Arroscia and its surroundings. Cosio is a great place to make photos, and I was happy to exhibit some works in the Centro Polivalente.
– Rik Bosman