Progetti/Projects, Trasformatorio 2018

Creative Europe


Trasformatorio has been awarded a Creative Europe Funding by the European Commission.
Together with partners Constant Bruxelles, also project coordinator, ESC Gallery in Gratz and Hangar in Barcellona and off course We will be working on a program for 2017/ 2018/2019 on an idea called “Iteration”.

Iterations is committed to the future of artistic collaboration in digitally networked contexts. Multidisciplinary artists and practitioners are brought together to create speculative works that feed the imagination of possible modes of artistic collaboration. New realities ask for new practices, and these practices need to be developed. Through a series of hands-on residencies and discursive exhibitions, Iterations provides situations in which artists collectively experiment with new ways of ‘art working’ which make space for collectivity and collaboration.

The project is structured around the conceptual model of ‘iteration’. Inspired by recursive forms of collaboration as they exists in open source software development, the project Iterations applies repetition and circularity to artistic methodologies, in which the output from one activity is used as the input to the next. Iterations investigates processes and motivations that invite artists to explore models of cooperation and free digital tools. Iterations extends into art-related elds by addressing aesthetic, ethic and legal aspects of multi-authorship, commons based economics, political and social potentials that open up around the artistic. Following the open source philosophy, the project establishes common grounds to all activities.

The project builds up to a coherent set of practices, resources and documentation that will be made accessible to specifc targeted groups (amongst others: artists, programmers and activists) as well as to a wider audience, allowing the outputs and results to reach beyond the limits of the project duration.

We are very proud of having to set the first of these iterations, next April in Sicily. On the name of the whole trasformatorio gang, and looking ahead to the work to do, I want to thank you for this result, that would not have been possible without all the work done in the past editions.
Is not going to be easy to sprint ahead, but a bit of sugar helps. We are going to keep you all informed about the plans and the resources available.


Partners are:

  • Dyne is a foundation committed to research and development of free and open source software and services. Dyne supports artists, creatives and engaged citizens in the digital age with tools, practices and narratives for community empowerment. Dyne is constituted by an international network of experts syndicating and contributing to diverse technological developments for their quality and role within societies. Dyne shares peer reviews, mutual support and resources for peace and equal rights, operating outside the logic of pro t and competition. Dyne supports cooperation within social contexts to leverage on-line and on-site community values, to empower people with the hacker attitude to re/think, re/mix and re/design to circumvent limitations and nd a way out from economies based on scarcity and privilege.

  • Constant is a research oriented non-proft organisation for experimental digital arts practices, based in Brussels since 1997. Constant works in the elds of art, media and technology, from a feminist, copy-left and open source perspective.

  • Esc focuses on local and international artists and artists’ collectives as well as art educators and art students, touching di erent elds: visual and audiovisual art, sound engineering and radio making, media and tech-art, art that explores alternative social forms and life systems. escs gallery is placed in Graz’ city center. The exhibition program reaches passers by, specialists and art-lovers of all ranges of life.

  • Hangar is a centre for art research and production, o ering support to artists. Hangar’s mission is to support the visual artists and creators during the di erent phases of their art production processes as well as to contribute to the best development of their projects. For doing so, Hangar facilitates them equipments, facilities, production assistance and a suitable context for experimentation and free knowledge transfer.