Activities, Documentation, Featured, Progetti/Projects, Trasformatorio 2018

Radio Trasformatorio feature Radio Submarine from Cairo, tonight 17:00 GMT


As a side event this month we will start a collaboration with Cairo based musician and producer Yara Mekawei.

She is going to broadcast from downtown Cairo her radio program with focus on new african electronic music. Is going to do it using on trasformatorio streaming radio. This is possible thanks to, a long standing service gives to activists and movement radios worldwide from more that 20 years.

You can ear the stream live from on the web or via the trasformatorio app made this year by August Black as a cotribution to the lab, on Android and iOS, just look in the stores with search word “trasformatorio”

Yara was artist in residence in Trasformatorio 2014.


Yara Mekawei

Radio SUBMARINE live on Trasformatorio Radio station
starting August 5th with an Interview with Cairo-based Musician ABADIR

Please join me for one hour every **Sunday at 17:00 GMT**

Live stream
Or download trasformatorio on Google store or trasformatorio app on IOS

For further information regarding the concept and follow up on the program

“Radio Submarine is an online broadcast program that streams around the world live sound art from different cities in Africa. The radio will first stream from Cairo and then move on to other cities. Radio Submarine will be covering different sounds, languages and daily activities that shape the African soundscape. My mission is to create an online radio that will allow the different sounds of Africa to travel to the rest of the world.”