Giampilieri 2018: Kintsugi
The Documentation of Trasformatorio 2018-2019 actions in Giampilieri is a difficult and time consuming task.
The action of 2018, when 35 artists arrived in the small village hit by catastrophe 9 years before became a turning point for our experience and our methodological awareness.
A lot of thinking went into the process of collecting the stories, cataloguing the artworks, going over opposition and misunderstandings, participating to events launched by the community autonomously after our intervention
We are working to the publication of our vast documentation from Trasformatorio. It deserves work. So far we need to publish the complete list of participants to 2018 edition.
NB: Kintsugi Kintsugi (金継ぎ, “golden joinery”), also known as Kintsukuroi (金繕い, “golden repair”),[1] is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, a method similar to the maki-e technique.[2][3][4] As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise.

A village in the south of mediterranean part of a big city forgets his territory; for half a century land burns and becomes unproductive and underpopulated
a terrible landslide in october 2009 claims the dead and then, to put everything in safety, a river of concrete poured in to frame the cut and emprison the mountain above
For those who stay, those that go away, the ghosts and the empty houses

Samuele Albani musician media artist (RSM) Ludovica Avetrani (ITA) August Black Radio artist (USA) Monica Cannillo textile restorer (ITA) Martina Caronna dancer performer (ITA) Ezio Cicciarella sculptor (ITA) Giulia Della Valle sound artist, videomaker(ITA) Irene Domingues dancer visual artist (ESP) Claire Ducene visual artist (BEL) Teal Gaure TG media artist (HUN) Ahmed Helmy filmaker, visual artist (EGY) Ilya Kuzubov visual artist (RUS) Mikko Laajola (FIN) Aleksandr Menukhov visual artist (RUS) Rossella Midili photographer (ITA) Rosa Mundi (ITA) Emmanuel Ndefo dancer (NGA) Jana Nunich visual artist (SVN) Eva Polare (ITA) Mose Previti writer (ITA) RE Visual Artist, Painter (ITA) Jerneja Rebernak visual artist (SVN) Louis Rodil Fernandes media artist (NLD) Iwona Rozbiewska performer, visual artist (POL) Rosaria Sfragara actress (ITA) Cristiano Siri dancer performer (ITA) Nino Triolo visual artist printmaker (ITA) Azahara Ubera dancer, hybrid artist(ESP) Hans (Hansko) Visser Composer (NL) Gabriele “Asbesto” Zaverio Multimedia Artist (ITA)

Federico Bonelli (IT/NL) Giuseppe Morgana (coordination) Monika Schwenk (Cook) Antonio Cardubbo (runner) Rita Valeriano (assistant)
Giampilieri 2.0
Donatella Manganaro Marco Minutoli Antonino Bonfiglio Michela Barnà Andrea e Caterina Lando Irene Bottari Alessandra Bottari Antonio Micali Francesco Micali Francy Stefano Restuccia Paolo Restuccia
Assessorato Collettivo Antonello
Federico Alagna Pier Paolo Zampieri Alessandra Mammoliti Maria Teresa Zagone
FabLab Messina
Roberto De Luca
Zoe Romano
CoScienza Ambientale
Paolo Bonelli
Radiostreet Messina
Alessandra Mammoliti
Radio Start Me Up
Fabio Bruno
Pro Loco Messina Sud
Ivan Tornesi
Associazione Tamatià (Scaletta Zanclea)
Valeria Cristelli