Flown in from the volcanic center of the Mediterranean to the northern comforts RE is in Amsterdam for the first FORLMAL Trasformatorio residency out of
All the press for trasformatorio 2018 Giampilieri Edition…
An installation about the human will to control the god-made elements. By Alberto Novello a.k.a. JesterN https://vimeo.com/64452391/ During the Residency at the Trasformatorio in Montealbano
… something about trasformatorio… from casa faranda to the castle meet il maestro and greet la signora in nero touch to get in touch
23rd of January 2013 — Radiolab — Catania, HUB-corner: Trasformatorio in cialis prescription not required the context of social projects and ideas http://thehubsicilia.net/the-hub-corner/
Montalbano Elicona Montalbano Elicona e’ un piccolo comune siciliano in provincia di Messina. A 911 metri sul livello del mare, in linea d’aria 150 km